Joan Collins
Then Joan Collins 22 years old in 1955
Joan Collins in aged 22 at her birthdays
Now Joan Collins 75years old
27th June 2008
Joan Collins in aged 22 at her birthdays
Label: Health
ကမာၻေပၚမွာ အၾကီးဆံုးစိန္ ကို အာဖရိကတြင္ေတြ ့ရိွရပါသည္။ Letseng Mine, in Lesotho, a small kingdom in South Africaတြင္းတြင္ တူညီေသာ အရြယ္ အေလးခ်ိန္ အရည္အေသြးရိွေသာ စိန္ နစ္လံုးကို တူးေဖာ္ရခဲ့ျပီး ၁၂သန္း ခန္ ့တန္မည္ဟု ခန္ ့မွန္းျကပါသည္။
ေဘးတြင္ ၁၅၀ ကာရက္ရိွေသာ ယူေကဘုရင္မ၏ သရဖူကို ယွဥ္တဲြ ေဖၚျပထားပါသည္။
အနားယူအုန္းမယ္ဗ်ာ ..မတားနဲ ့ .... မတားနဲ ့။
အခု အသံအလွ်င္နဳန္းနီးပါးျမန္တဲ့ ဂ်က္ေလယာဥ္က ယူေကနဲ ့နယူးေယာက္ကို ၃နာရီဘဲ ျကာေအာင္ ပ်ံနုိင္မယ္တဲ့ ။ အီစကို ဂဲင္ဘလင္း ခ်င္တဲ့ လပ္ေဗးကပ္ Las Vegas ကို သြားဖို ့ခရီးသက္သာလည္း မနည္းဘူး။
ေကာင္းျပီ ....
ျပံဳးေပ်ာ္ရႊင္ေရး ေအဂ်င္ဆီရဲ့ ေဖာင္ဒါၾကီး အခု ....ဧဧေဆးေဆး ... အနားယူလိုက္ ဖို ့...
ဒုိးျပီး ..... လပ္ေဗးကပ္ Las Vegas...
ဘာသာျပန္ဖို ့ အခ်ိန္မရိွ ေတာ့ဘူးဗ် ။ ေရာ့ ဗ်ာ ကိုယ့္ဖာသာကိုယ္ ဘာသာျပန္ေတာ့ က်ဴပ္ေတာ့ ဒုိးျပီ
ေဂ် ေဗးကပ္ - ( J Vegas )
(စာမွီး ေဒးလီးေမးလ္)
In a move which for some people signalled a step backwards for technology, the Anglo-French aviation-engineering masterpiece touched down and with it the chance for people to experience supersonic air travel.
But now, an American firm is on the cusp of re-imagining the supersonic dream and confidently plans to have supersonic commercial aircraft back in the skies as a reality by 2015.
The future: It's hoped the £47.5million jet will be on the market by 2015
The Aerion Supersonic Jet may not have the same grace and style and the size of the great Concorde, but the Aerion group are so sure that the plane will fly that they have pencilled in test flights for 2012, with transatlantic testing to follow soon after.
Reaching a top speed of mach 1.6 the jet will once again put New York within three hours flight time of London.
The company are so confident in the design that they claim to have 50 interested parties, who have all paid the £150,000 deposit.
‘It simply will change the way global business is conducted. Flight times in general will be reduced about 40 percent,’ says Jeff Miller, chief spokesperson for Aerion.
‘Business and government leaders will be able to travel more in pursuit of opportunity. And they will feel a lot better when they step off the airplane.’ As everyone remembers Concorde was far from the budget airline options that are available now.
Historic: Concorde takes off for the last time from New York on October 24, 2003
The Aerion Supersonic Jet will be no different.
‘It’s priced at £47.5million - each,’ explains Miller.
‘To date, Aerion has more than 50 letters of intent secured by £150,000 deposits.
‘The cost per nautical mile will be similar to today’s large business jets.’ The biggest advance in technology that the Aerion has improved upon Concorde is in its noise reduction ability.
Concorde was famously and some would say intentionally scuppered by jealous Americans who banned the plane from flying over U.S. territory at the speed of sound.
This immediately removed any advantage the small plane had over its larger competitors and ended the supersonic age before it had begun.
The Aerion aircraft can successfully fly at nearly the speed of sound without any significant noise impact and more amazingly has the ability to fly at mach 1.15 without emanating a sonic boom.
The first Aerion Supersonic Business Jet, shown in a design above
‘This is due to the patented supersonic natural laminar flow (SNLF) technology that substantially reduces drag at supersonic as well as high-subsonic cruise speeds,’ says Jeff Miller.
Despite the fact that the Aerion is obviously only ever going to be flown by those who can afford it, the very idea that commercial supersonic airliners are going back into the skies will please the enthusiasts.
‘Aviation progress has always been synonymous with an increase in speed. To be flying more slowly in this century than in the last seems like a step backwards.,’ says Miller.
Admitting a huge debt of gratitude to Concorde, Miller impresses that the Aerion jet is a significant leap forward in aircraft technology.
Luxury: The comfortable Aerion Jet will ferry private buyers at speeds of mach 1.6, meaning New York will once again be within three hours flight time of London
Label: technology
လန္ဒန္ Z & Co Design ကုမဏီမွ Mr Miljevic, ဆုိသူက ထြင္တာ ျဖစ္ပါတယ္ ရုိးရုိးစက္ဘီးလိုနင္းလို ့ရသလုိ ေနေရာင္ျခည္နဲ ့အားသြင္းတဲ့ ေမာ္တာနဲ့လည္း ေမာင္းနုိင္ပါတယ္။ ဘက္ထရီအားျပည့္ေအာင္ ေနေရာင္ထဲမွာ ထားဖို ့လုိပါတယ္။
Label: technology
ဘယ္ေလာက္ ေပးမလဲ။Combe Martin Wildlife and Dinosaur Park ရိွ ဖ်ံထီး၂ေကာင္ Morgan နွင့္ Aero
Morgan, six, and Aero, three, သည္ ပန္းခ်ီကား အလြန္ ေရးဆဲြ လိုျကသည္။ ဖ်ံ ၂ေကာင္၏ စိတ္ျကိုက္ အေရာင္မွာ အနီ လိေမာ္ ျဖစ္သည္။
အားလံုးထက္ ထူးျခားတာကို လုပ္နုိင္ေအာင္ တီထြင္ၾကံဆတတ္ပါမွ နံမည္ေက်ာ္ေအာင္ျမင္ၾကပါတယ္။ အခုတခါ မုိနာလီစာ ပန္းခ်ီပံုတူ ကို လဆန္ည္ ဆုိတဲ့ အေနာက္တုိင္း ေခါက္ဆဲြျပားနဲ ့ ေရးဆဲြတာ တင္ျပလုိက္ပါတယ္။
Label: Art
တုိက္တင္းနစ္ သေဘၤာ ပံုစံငယ္ကို မီးျခစ္ကေလးမ်ားျဖင့္ စိတ္ရွည္လက္ရွည္ ၁၅နစ္ၾကာမွ် တည္ေဆာက္မႈ ့ၾကီး ေအာင္ျမင္စြာ ျပီးစီးသြားပါသည္။
အသက္ ၄၂နစ္အရြယ္ရိွ Tim Elkins သည္ နာရီေပါင္း ၃၅၀၀ နာရီ ၾကာမွ် ေပါင္၁၀၀ဖိုး ရိွ မီးျခစ္ဆံ147,000 မ်ားျဖင့္ 1:115 အခ်ိဳး အတုိင္း တုိက္တင္းနစ္ သေဘၤာ ကို သူ ၏ ေနအိမ္ Worthing, West Sussex တည္ေဆာက္ ခဲ့ပါ သည္။
၈ေပ ၃၉ လက္မ ၁၆၀၀portholes ထုိသေဘၤာကုိ ေပါင္ ၈၅၀၀ ျဖင့္ ၀ယ္ယူျပီး Piccadilly Circus, London ရိွ ျပတုိက္ အသစ္ တြင္ ျပသထားမည္ ျဖစ္ပါသည္။
Label: technology
soya beans လို ့ေခၚတဲ့ ပဲပိစပ္ (က်ေနာ္မွားရင္ ျပင္ေပးပါ) နဲ ့ ဆင္ေခါင္းပဲမွာ ပါ၀င္တဲ့ ကြန္ေပါင္းဟာ ေလျဖတ္ေရာဂါသမားမ်ား အတြက္ ေရာဂါ သက္သာေစတယ္ဟု သုေတသနသမားမ်ားက ေတြ ့ရိွပါသည္။
A study into a dietary supplement containing isoflavone found it improved artery function in stroke patients.
နွလံုးေရာဂါသမားမ်ား ခံစားရေလ့ရိွေသာ ေလျဖတ္မႈ ့အေျကာင္းရင္းမွာblood clot ေသြးဥတမိ်ဳးေျကာင့္ျဖစ္ပါသည္။ ထို ေသြးဥမ်ားတြင္ အုပ္စု၂စု ကဲြျပီး တစုတြင္ isoflavone နွင့္ ေနာက္တမိ်ဳးကို placebo ဟုေခၚပါသည္။
ပဲပိစပ္နွင့္ ဆင္ေခါင္းပဲတြင္ ပါ၀င္ေသာ artery သည္ ေသြးလည္ပတ္နွဳန္း ေကာင္းမြန္ေစျပီး flow-mediated dilation (FMD) ဟု ေခၚပါသည္။ FMDမ်ားလာေလ artery အလုပ္ ပံုမွန္ပိုလုပ္ေလျဖစ္ပါသည္။ စမ္းသပ္မႈ ့တြင္ ပထမပိုင္းတြင္ မသိသာေသာ္လည္း ၁၂ပတ္ျကာေသာအခါ FMD သိသာစြာ (isoflavone ) မ်ားျပားလာျပီး ေသြးလည္ပတ္မႈ ့ကို တုိးတက္ေစပါသည္။ ရာသီဥတု ေအးလြန္းမႈ ့ေျကာင့္ ေလျဖတ္ေရာဂါ ျဖစ္ပြားေသဆံုးမႈ ့သည္ အဂၤလန္တြင္ တနစ္လွ်င္ ၅၀၀၀၀ ငါးေသာင္း ခန္ ့ရိွပါသည္။
(မွတ္ခ်က္ ။ ေဒါက္တာ မ်ား ခင္မ်ား ကြ်န္ေတာ္၏ ဘာသာျပန္အမွား မ်ားေတြ ့လွ်င္ ျပင္ဆင္ေပးေစ လုိပါသည္။)Label: Health
C-quester ေခၚတဲ့ ေရယာဥ္ ဟာ တိုးရစ္မ်ားကို ၂နာရီၾကာ ပင္လယ္ ေရေအာက္ ခရီး ကို ၂နာရီၾကာ ပို ့ ေဆာင္ေပးနုိင္တဲ့ ယာဥ္ျဖစ္ပါတယ္။ ဒတ္ခ်္ ကုမၼဏီ U-Boat Worx မွ တီထြင္ထားျပီး လူ၄ဦး လုိက္ပါ နုိင္ပါတယ္။ အဲယားကြန္းပါရိွသျဖင့္ စီးသူမ်ား သက္ေတာင့္သက္သာ ရိွေစနုိင္ပါတယ္။ ေပါင္ ၃.၁၅သိန္း ေရာင္းေစ်းရိွပါတယ္။
အဲဒကကုမၼဏီ U-Boat Worx က လူတစ္ဦးတည္းေမာင္းနုိင္တဲ့ေရေအာက္ ခရီးသြားယာဥ္ကို တီထြင္ခဲ့ဘူးပါတယ္။
Ref: မက္ဒရုိ ROSS MCGUINNESS - Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Label: technology
courgette လုိ ့ေခၚတဲ့ ဟင္းသီးဟာ ဘဲပံုသဏၭန္နဲ ့ ထူးဆန္းစြာ သြားတူတာ ၾကည့္ၾကပါ။
ယူေက နုိင္ငံ အက္ဆက္ Essex ျမိဳ ့နယ္ Halstead ျမိဳ ့ကေလးမွာ ေနတဲ့ Patricia Bragg, 68, အမ်ိဳးသမီးရဲ့ ဥယ်ာဥ္မွာ သီးေနတာ ျဖစ္ပါတယ္။
Label: Food
အေ၀းအနီး ၾကည့္နုိင္ေသာ ဇီ၀ မ်က္ကပ္မွန္ကို ၅နစ္အတြင္း အသံုးျပဳနုိင္ေတာ့မည္။ နာရီ၀က္ ၾကာ ခဲြစိတ္ ကုသ ရျပီး မ်က္လံုးတြင္ cataracts အတြင္းတိမ္ ျဖစ္ပြားလာမည္ မဟုတ္ဟု ျဗိတိသွ် သိပၸံ ပညာရွင္မ်ားက ေျပာၾကားသည္။
ပါေမာကၡ James Wolffsohn ကေျပာၾကားသည္မွာ အေ၀းအနီး ၾကည့္နုိင္ေသာ သဘာ၀ ဇီ၀ မ်က္ကပ္မွန္ ထြင္ျခင္းသည္ အသက္ ၄၅နစ္ ေက်ာ္သူမ်ား အတြက္အလြန္ ေကာင္းမြန္လွေပသည္။
ယင္းမွာ အသက္ၾကီးရြယ္မႈ ့ေၾကာင့္ ပ်က္စီးေနေသာ ဇီ၀ ပစည္းကို အစားထုိးလဲလွယ္ ေပးျခင္းသာျဖစ္သည္။ ယင္းနည္းလမ္းမွာ မူလ လက္ရိွအသံုးျပဳေသာ အတြင္းတိမ္ ခဲြစိတ္ နည္းပညာ ကို အေျခခံျပီး အလြန္ ေသးငယ္ေသာ ပလပ္စတစ္ မွန္ဘီလူးကို မ်က္လံုးအိမ္ အတြင္း ထဲ့သြင္းျခင္းျဖစ္ပါသည္ ။
ခဲြစိတ္ေနစဥ္တြင္ ပလပ္စတစ္မွန္သည္ မာေသာ္လည္း ေနာက္ပုိင္းတြင္ အနီးအေ၀း အကုန္ျမင္နုိင္ေလသည္။ ေပ်ာ့ေပ်ာင္းေသာ ဇီ၀မ်က္ကပ္မွန္ ကို accommodating intraocular lenses ေခၚျပီး ယင္းသည္ ယခုအခါ ေစ်းကြက္ တြင္ တြင္က်ယ္လာပါသည္။ ေလဆာ ခဲြစိတ္မႈ ့ နွင့္ အလားတူေသာ္လည္း အနီးအေ၀းကို ျမင္နုိင္ေပသည္။ လက္ရိွစမ္းသပ္ဆဲကာလရိွ ပလပ္စတစ္မွန္မွာ အနည္းငယ္မာ သျဖင့္ ပို ေပ်ာ့ေပ်ာင္းေသာ မွန္ ရရိွရန္ စမ္းသပ္ေနပါသည္။ ထုိမ်က္ကပ္မွန္ကို မ်က္လံုးအိမ္၏ ဖိညွစ္ဒဏ္ ခံနုိင္ျပီး မ်က္လံုးၾကြက္သားလႈပ္ရွားမႈ ့ ျဖင့္ အနီးအေ၀းျမင္ကြင္းကုိ ျပတ္သားစြာျမင္နုိင္ေစသည္။
ထုိမွန္ကို လြယ္ကူစြာ ၃၀မိနစ္အတြင္း ခဲြစိတ္နုိင္ျပီး ပါ၀ါမွန္ကိုလည္း လုိသလို အလြယ္တကူ လဲလွည္နုိင္ရန္ တီထြင္ေနပါသည္။
ဘာမင္ကန္ တကၠသိုလ္ Aston University မွ Professor-Wolffsohn, an optometrist (မ်က္စိ မ်က္မွန္ ကြ်မ္းက်င္ ပညာရွင္) ကေျပာၾကားသည္မွာ - အသက္ငယ္စဥ္တြင္ ျပတ္သားေသာ ပံုရိပ္ကို နွားေခါင္းအနားထိ နီးေသာ အကြာအထိ ျပတ္သားေအာင္ ၾကည့္ုနိုင္ေသာ္လည္း အသက္ၾကီးလာသည့္ အခါတြင္ အနည္းကြယ္ ကြာေ၀း ေသာ ေနရာ အထိ ထားမွ သာ ျမင္ရေပသည္။
အသက္ ၄၅နစ္ေရာက္လွ်င္ လက္တကမ္းအကြာထားေသာ္လည္း ျမင္ရန္ခက္လာသျဖင့္ မ်က္မွန္ မတပ္လွ်င္ မျမင္နုိင္ေတာ့ေပ။
အသက္ငယ္စဥ္တြင္ ခဲြစိတ္ပါက အခက္ခဲျဖစ္နုိင္မႈ ့နဲျပီး anaesthetics ထံုေဆးေပးမႈ ့ေၾကာင့္ ခံစားရသည့္ ေ၀ဒနာ ျဖစ္ေပၚမႈ ့ကို ခံနုိင္ရည္ရိွေပမည္။ လက္ရိွတြင္ပံုမွန္ အတြင္းတိမ္ ျဖစ္ေပၚမႈ ့ ရိွနုိင္ ေသာ္လည္း အသက္ ၄၅ နစ္ေရာက္ေသာအခါ အတြင္းတိမ္ မျဖစ္ေပၚ နုိင္ေတာ့ေပ။
ထို ့ေၾကာင့္ အတြင္းတိမ္ တုိးပြားလာသည့္အထိ ေစာင့္ျပီးမွ ခဲြစိတ္မလား။ ခဲြစိတ္မႈ ့မလုပ္ဘဲ ေနမလား စဥ္းစားလာရပါသည္။ ပံုမွန္အားျဖင့္ အသက္ၾကီးလာလွ်င္ အတြင္းတိမ္ ရတတ္ပါတယ္။ ယခုလုိဖီ၀မ်က္ကပ္မွန္ သည္ ေစ်းၾကီးေသာ္လည္း တခါသာ ကုန္က်ျပီး လက္ရိွေစ်းသက္သာတဲ့ မ်က္ကပ္မွန္ မွာမူ နစ္စဥ္ ကုန္က် ျပီး ပို ေစ်းၾကီးသည္ကို ယွဥ္ၾကည့္နုိင္ေၾကာင္း ေျပာၾကားပါသည္။Label: Health
Ella's verdict: တီဗီြ အလင္းကို အခန္းတြင္းေရာင္ျပန္ဟပ္ေစသည္ သတၱ၀ါ
(When viewed with Ambilight - which fills the room with ambient lighting corresponding to the image on screen - this HD (high definition) TV creates a more vivid experience. From £578.)
Picture perfect: Sony smile recognition camera, £185
စားပဲြတင္ ဖုန္စုတ္ၾကြက္ အဲ စားၾကြင္း ဘီစကြတ္မ်ား သန္ ့ရွင္းေပးေသာသတၱ၀ါ
(Ella's verdict: A battery-powered novelty item - which is almost 4in tall - with a serious purpose. In workaholic Britain we spend more time at our desks than our European neighbours. If the office has become our second home, is it any wonder we're getting a little desk-proud? £9.99 )
မယ္မုိရီ အာလံျပဲ.. ပံုမွန္ memory-stickမွ သီခ်င္းမ်ား ကက္ဆက္ကဲ့သို ့ ျပန္ဖြင့္နားေထာင္နုိင္ပါေသာ သတၱ၀ါ။
(Ella's verdict: It's shaped like an old-fashioned cassette, but this is a 1GB USB memory stick you can plug into your computer, and on which you can store all kinds of files - including text, music, photos and videos. £19.99)
360 DEGREE MIRRORSeeing double: 360 degree mirror, £18
ကားနဲ ့ ဖံုး... သိပ္လက္မခံနုိင္ပါ။ ကားေမာင္းရင္း ဖံုးေျပာမႈ ့ေၾကာင့္ လူေပါင္းေျမာက္ျမားစြာ ေသဆံုးေနရဆဲ
(Ella's verdict:Volkswagen brought back the Beetle, BMW revived the good old Mini, but the new Fiat 500 is affordable, it looks great and it offers the kind of top-spec features you'd expect to find in top-of-the-range cars. If you have a mobile with Bluetooth capability (which lets your phone transmit data wirelessly on a radio frequency), a chip built into the dashboard of the Fiat allows you to operate your phone using voice recognition or the radio controls on your steering wheel - so hands-free is built in. From £8,100 )
Hands-free: Fiat 500, from £8,100
က်ေနာ္တုိ ့အတြက္ေပ့ါဗ်ာ... ေအးေဆးေပ့ါ. ၀ုိင္ေအးေအးေလး...
(Ella's verdict: This is one use for technology we can all appreciate. When you select a setting - Merlot, perhaps - the intelligent cooler, which plugs into the mains, uses sensors to detect the bottle temperature and sets about warming or cooling it to perfection. £69.95 )
Chilled: Intelligent wine cooler £69.95
ဂီတကို အိပ္လည္း မျပတ္ေစရပါ။ သီခ်င္း ဆုိနုိင္ေသာ သတၱ၀ါ အဲ... အဲ ေခါင္းအုန္း
(Ella's verdict: As this gadget proves, there's no end to the ways technology can personalise our worlds these days. It's very simple. There is a tiny speaker deeply embedded in the pillow which connects to the headphone jack of your radio or iPod or MP3 player via the audio cable that comes with it. £20 )
(Ella's verdict: Your iPod already has a built-in alarm clock function. All you need to do is connect it to this speaker dock, shaped like an old-fashioned alarm clock - and it'll wake you with whatever tune gets you out of bed. It's a clever way to fuse new technology with the rather comforting idea of an alarm clock. £39.95)
Rise and shine: iPod alarm, £39.95ၾကပ္ဆုိတဲ့ သတၱ၀ါဗ်။ က်ဴပ္တုိ ့ဘာလုပ္လုပ္ ၾကည့္ျပီး စာနဲ ့မွတ္တမ္းတင္သတဲ့။ ေတာက္ ဒီအေကာင္မရိွမွ ေတာ္ၾကာ က်ဴပ္ဘာလုပ္လုပ္ မွတ္တမ္းတင္ျပီး အေမ့ကို သြားတုိင္ရင္ ဒုကၡ။
It's a pen pen, that writes and everything. But it records every movement you make, then you plug it into a computer and suddenly there's all your writing on screen (with nice circles and hearts above the 'i's!) Or if you're boring, you can take notes in lectures, then put them in your computer.
Ella's verdict: The Z Pen makes it possible to save and then send handwritten missives as digital documents. Just clip the receiver to the top of the page and it will store every pen stroke in its memory. When you plug the receiver straight into your PC, the preloaded software will convert your handwriting into (handwritten) text. £99.99
This is the best video camera EVER. It's tiny, and pink, and you just turn it on, point it at whatever you want, press one big button that you can't miss ... and that's it. Now pull out a little thing from the side, plug it into your PC and your film's on YouTube in seconds, practically!!!
Ella's verdict: The Flip is the ultimate in user-friendliness, plugging straight into your computer's USB port and uploading with no fuss. It has a 2GB memory and a capacity to store up to an hour of video footage, as well as stills. £99.95)
Ella's verdict: This webcam, which just for fun looks like an old-fashioned studio camera, offers surprisingly high picture quality. Use it with the studio-style spotlight and it's perfect for creating YouTube videos or just video chatting with friends around the world. £9.99 and £4.99
ခ်စ္ခ်စ္ေလးမ်ား ကိုယ္နဲ ့မကြာ အတူထားလို ့ရဖို ့ ေသာ့ခ်ိတ္
(Ella's verdict: Even the best cameras and camera-phones can have grainy digital viewing screens. But this little keyring turns your favourite photos (which you can upload simply from your computer) into a portable collection that you can show in perfect high-resolution on the 1.5-inch screen. £44.95 )
Memories: Photoframe keyring, £44.95
Ella's verdict: The iPhone and the high-tech touch phones that came in its wake were aimed squarely at the male market. But as the limited edition, Needle Phone goes on sale, it's clear it is not just geeks and businessmen who want a phone that can do it all.
E-mails, weather reports, music, video, it's all available at the touch of a button. Its stylus function makes it possible to handwrite your texts. Free with Orange.
Touch screen: Ted Baker mobile, free with Orange
Label: technology
လယ္သမား သားအဖ Mark and Frank Baggs တုိ ့မွထြက္ေသာ ေရႊဖရံုသီး ... ဂစ္ .. ဂစ္ .. ဂစ္...
Super Squash: Frank Baggs with his record-breaking 1,341lb pumpkin
The vegetable had to be transported to the weigh-in at the Malvern Autumn Show at the weekend by a forklift truck.
အဂၤလန္နုိင္ငံမွ ေနရာ သက္သာေသာ ေရခ်ိဳးခန္း ပံုစံ The Vertebrae ကို ေပါင္၉၀၀၀ ျဖင့္ စတင္ေရာင္းခ်ေနပါသည္။ အိမ္သာ ေရခ်ိဳးရန္ ေရပန္း၂ခု၊ လက္ေဆး ေဘစင္၊ ေရေလွာင္ကန္၊ ပစည္းထားရန္ စင္ စုေပါင္းထားသျဖင့္ ေနရာ သက္သာ ေစပါသည္။ အျမင့္၈ေပရိွျပီး အလွ်ဴမီနီယမ္၊ စတီးမ်ား ျဖင့္ တည္ေဆာက္ထားပါသည္။
အသံုးမလိုသည့္ အခ်ိန္တြင္ စင္အားလံုးကို စုစည္းထားနုိင္သလို လုိအပ္သည့္ အခါမွ ေရႊ ့ကာ ထုတ္သံုးနိုင္ပါသည္။ ေနာက္နစ္ ေရာင္းမည့္ ေစ်းကြက္၀င္ ပံုစံတြင္ မွန္နွင့္ ပစည္းတင္ရန္စင္မ်ား ပါ ထဲ့သြင္း လိမ့္မည္ ဟု ၾကားသိရပါသည္။
အေလးခ်ိန္ 150 kilos ရိွသျဖင့္ ထို ေရခ်ိဳးစင္ကို သံုးပါက အိမ္ကို ေတာင့္တင္းရန္ ျပဳျပင္ရေပမည္။ ယူေကတြင္ အိမ္မ်ားမွာ ျမန္မာနုိင္ငံက ကဲ့သို ့ ဒုျဒယ္ ခုိင္ခံေအာင္ တည္ေဆာက္ျခင္းမရိွပါ။ ေတာ္ရံု တစ္ထပ္အိမ္ မ်ားတြင္ သံေခ်ာင္းမ်ား လံုး၀မသံုးဘဲ အုပ္မ်ား စီျပီး တည္ေဆာက္ သလို ၂ထပ္အိမ္အတြက္ ေျမၾကီးတြင္ ၃ေပမွ်သာ ရိွေသာ ေျမာင္းကို အိမ္နံရံ ထားမည့္ေနရာ ေအာက္တြင္သာ အေျမာင္းလုိက္ တူးေဖာက္ တည္ေဆာက္ ၾကပါသည္။ ျမန္မာျပည္ တြင္ ေတြ ့ဘူးေသာ အခန္းအျပည့္ ေျမမတူးပါ။
တီထြင္သူ မွာ ဒီဇုိင္းဆု ပုိင္ရွင္ ၏သားျဖစ္ျပီး ဖခင္ကဲ့သို ့ တီထြင္ၾကံဆမႈ ့အလြန္ေတာ္ပါသည္။ သူ ့၏ဖခင္မွာ ေသးငယ္ေသာ အိမ္ဒီဇိုင္း စတင္ တီထြင္ခဲ့သူ ျဖစ္ပါသည္။
Label: technology